Lockdown - we made the best of a bad situation

Shoh but this was unexpected.

None the less. The best was made from a bad situation.


The best was made from a bad situation

Lockdown limited edition coffee

We as a fam, decided to go into lockdown 10 days before it was a law. Mostly because we didn’t feel like being forced into staying at home. It always feels much better when you decide to do things yourself. Hhehehe a little psychological trick to feel in control.

AND we just wanted to make sure that we could still supply coffee during the Covid 19 chaos in good faith that we were contamination free, without a doubt.


Coffee in Lock Down gasmasks and suchlike

Our very first Lockdown labels were handwritten Limited edition. Gasmasks became a cool accessory and airhugs and kisses through the glass were in plentiful supply.

We made sure that some fun was had with facemasks, airhugs through the glass, giveaways to people who played along and dressed up in home made hazmat suits, fun videos and tips and tricks on how to make the best coffee at home.

Our limited edition, lockdown coffee was a hit. Lockdown discounts were definitely in order. Everyone took a knock but good coffee was still wanted and in many cases needed.

The highlight was definitely the hidden lockdown bags placed before lockdown for those in service. We hid them, took pics and randomly put the directions up onto our social media sites for those in service to find. Once found, the precious humans posted up their pics. THANKS FOR PLAYING ALONG. light

Thankfully we were able to continue selling through it all because one of our faithful and kind regulars, offered to deliver our coffee for us. Our coffee peeps supported all the way through, so we continued roasting and selling and keeping everyone caffeinated through level 5 lockdown.

Mamma Coffee was also spurned on to created our online buying platform. Granted she had smoke coming out of her ears but managed and we are so grateful to have it. It is now so easy to purchase our coffee across South Africa.

Encouraged by the partnership with The Morning Shot hosted by Roman Cabanac and becoming their official roasters. The sales went up and demand was high. No time to wait for web designers. We needed it YESTERDAY. She put her head down and did it.

Much can come from a bad thing. We made new friends, worked hard, discovered and explored different options, supported those around us and felt what it feels like to be supported by others.

We are excited, grateful and looking forward to opening up again to see all of the faces that we have missed.

This was Mamma Coffee signing off after shutting down our roastery. We had no idea that we would continue to roast so much through this lockdown. Nor that it would end up being the longest and hardest lockdown in the world. 21 days are turning into 4 months already with probably a few more in the pipeline.

We accepted and made peace with just reopening after it all. It’s amazing how things don’t always work out the way you think they will. We are grateful, thankful and excited with new ideas and hopes and fun and the best coffee ever, up our sleeves.

Soon to open again to the public. Looking forward to seeing you all in person again and giving real live hugs.
